The Alone Bot (Main Game)

Who is feeling Alone?

A Telegram game with a simple yet intriguing goal: to test if someone truly is alone in the Telegram universe.

Here's how it works: 1% of every buy and sell contributes to the Alone Fund. This fund becomes a potential prize for a lucky user in our Telegram channel. When the Alone Fund hits a specified amount in ETH, a button appears in the channel saying "I'm feeling Alone." The first user to click this button enters the game for a chance to win the fund.

However, here's the catch: Once someone clicks the "I'm feeling Alone" button, a message saying "Hello?" appears with a timer, signalling how much time remains for others to click the button. If another user clicks it before the timer expires, the original person who clicked first loses the chance to win the fund.

The game automatically restarts, randomly triggering the initial message again, creating a continuous opportunity for users. To play, participants need to reach at least the first tier of Tiered Access (requiring $ALONE) and verify themselves through our upcoming verification bot.

This game will be activated when we sense sufficient engagement in our Telegram community. It will run 24/7, keeping the fund growing until a fortunate individual claims the prize.

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